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Welcome to

Who We Are

We are a customer-service driven provider of an umbrella of nonattest professional services including eldercare accounting services, consultation & advisory services, tax return preparation and general accounting services to business and consumer clients

We’re Here To Help You

As key internal consultants, we provide you with specialized service to handle all types of specific financial situations and complexities.

We troubleshoot and enhance financial process coordination, internal control development and bottom-line performance through our exemplary problem-solving, analytical, organizational, communication and leadership skills.

We cultivate a one on one personal niche and relationship with acumen & expertise to uncover and resolve reporting & financial management issues, weaknesses in internal control, lack of organization & coordination, and budget & planning deficiencies.


The greatest compliment you can give is a referral!


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for men.” – Colossians 3:23